Hello from the other side!


Well. I am back, where I was born. Where I grew up and where I will always have my roots of life. But is this the place where I want to settle down and stay forever?

Today, the 20th of September 2016, I am back here in Germany, in Essen my home town  for nearly four weeks. To get back is harder than I thought. My body is here, yes. But my mind? Not at all! I want to tell you some facts about coming back home after my EVS in Latvia, which was from February until August 2016.

Actually I realized so many things during this experiment, but after coming home it’s even more! Since I am back, I noticed who are my real friends, who stayed with me during the seven months I was away from them. Some waited, but others just put me out of their hearts and kind of forgot me. It was hard to accept what happened but in the end, I can be glad about what happened, because now I know on who I can count in a bad situation and who is always there when help is needed. Aaaaaand, I found so many many many amazing friends from everywhere in Europe during my EVS, which still overwhelmes me in any kind of way! 🙂

The first days of coming home were the hardest days for me, because I realized some things about my culture and the country in general, that I didn’t notice before. So, it was there: THE CULTURAL SHOCK! Suddenly everbody was speaking my language around me, I understood EVERY SINGLE WORD and I got stressed, because I didn’t have this feeling for seven months. The sound of the german language hurt in my ear, it was so disgusting! Even the attitude of the people here, I am sorry but Germans are so egoistic and selfish and marterialistic. I was really shocked, because I noticed that I changed. (But in my opinion in a good way!) I watched some people, that were complaining about every stupid thing, what they call a problem. During my time in Latvia, I didn’t even had a TV and here people are getting stressed and aggressive just because they can’t find the signal for a specific TV channel. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? I discovered the dark side of my country and its people and got a totally different view on it! We need the newest car, the best TV, the most expensive apartment and of course the best paid job, otherwise we will never make it in life! That is what counts! And if you don’t reach this ideal you are sad and desperate for the rest of your life, because you are out of the perfect system!

I was so glad that I saw the difference! Honestly, I wanted to share this with so many people I met, since I am back here in Germany:

Get out of your comfort zone guys!!!!!!

Well yes, my first impression wasn’t the best to be honest. But, of course I also experienced the other side, the good one! Lots of people were happy to see me again, after seven months. Especially my parents and grandparents! I realized that we have such an amazing life here in Germany. We live on a very high standard, but that’s not all! You can be as rich as Barack Obama, but still not a happy person. I don’t need this! Because what counts in life is to be happy and healthy! 🙂

Ok, there is one thing I really need to share with you. I MISS LATVIA AND MY FRIENDS AND EVERYBODY WHO WAS WITH ME DURING MY TIME SOOOOOOO MUCH! Especially my flatmates. I miss Leo, the crazy guy, who always makes a mess around him, but who is so lovely and funny! I miss Zsofi,the hungarian organising woman, who is making her carrier in the UK now! And I miss Fanny, my funny french friend so much! I watched some photos and videos and remembered our time together and got so emotinal, because I want it back! I need to see you all as soon as possible, guys!

And heeeey, I miss speaking english and latvian so much, it’s incredible!

Enough of this now! 😀 I have so many feelings inside of me, that I can’t find a straight line in this post! I am sorry!

To conclude, I would like to say that my EVS was the best thing that I could ever do in my life. Now I know what I really want to do, I got a bit closer to myself a got more open minded towards everything! I want to send the best wishes to the next volunteers that have the possibility to be in Tukums and who have the chance to experience in the same kind of amazing way that I did! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Sooo, finally I am home….